December 24, 2011

Updates coming in tne New Year

We'll resume posting after New Year's.  We've made some exciting changes to our ministry and can't wait to announce them in early January.  We hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.

December 14, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 9

The following exercise of renouncement should be done with a person you trust who is saved, Spirit-filled and full of faith. DO NOT DO THIS EXERCISE ALONE! Please understand this is not a quick fix, but a step to release the devil's hold and allow healing to come.  If you need help please email me.

Generational/ancestral sins and the resulting curses
1.  I confess the sin(s) of my ancestors, parents, and myself of __________________________.

2.  I choose to forgive and release them for the sin, the curses, and the resulting consequences in my life. (Be specific).

3.  I ask you to forgive me, Lord, for this sin, for yielding to it and the resulting curses. I receive your forgiveness.

4.  On the basis of your forgiveness, Lord, I choose to forgive myself for involvement in this sin.

5.  I renounce the sin and curses of __________________________. I break this power from my life and from the life of my decendants, through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.

6.  I receive God's freedom from this sin and from the resulting curses. I receive _________________.

December 7, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 8


Please check if common to you or your family whether past or present.

Occult Involvement and/or Cults, Religions and Societies                                                                                     __Levitation           __Water witching      __Freemasonry            __Shintoism
__Accident proneness  __Mediumship           __Hare Krishna          __Animal spirits
__Mental telepathy       __White magoc         __Hinduism                 __Ouija board
__Wicca                      __Islam                     __Palm reading            __Witchcraft
__Jehovah's Witness    __Astrology              __Past life readings      __Drinking blood
__Job's Daughters        __Black magic          __Pendulum reading    __Drinking urine
__KKK                __Occult books         __Psychic readings      __Own masonic jewelry
__Knights of Columbus  __Psychic healing   __Own occult jewelry  __Masonic
__Reincarnation            __Own pagan fetiches __Moonies                  __Crystal ball
__Satanic worship         __Joined a coven       __Mormonism            __Seances
__Dungeons and Dragons __New Age           __Eight ball                 __Sorcery
__Made a blood oath     __Paganism             __Spells                     __Seen a sacrifice
__Rainbow girls             __ESP                     __Spirit guide             __Seen demons
__Fortune telling      __Used mantras       __Scientology            __ Handwriting analysis
__Superstition               __Visited pagan temples__Shamanism             __Hexing
__Tarot cards               __Horoscopes              __Tea leaves              __Bahai
__Shriners                    __Human sacrifice        __Trance                    __Buddhism
__Knights Templar           __Hypnosis              __TM                         __Christian Science
__The Way                      __I Ching                 __Vampire                  __Druids
__Unitarianism                 __Incantations           __Voodoo                 __Eastern Star

December 2, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions Part 7


Please check if common to you or anyone in your family whether past or present.

Infirmities/Disease          Control                        Fears                    Sexual Sin
__Accidents                  __Appeasement            __Anxiety              __Adultery
__Anorexia/Bulimia       __Denial                       __Bewilderment     __Beastiality
__Arthritis                     __Domineering             __Burden               __Defilement
__Asthma                     __Enabling                    __Drread               __Exposure
__Bone/joint problems  __False Responsibility  __Harrassment      __Fantasy Lust
__Cancer                      __Jealousy                   __Heaviness           __Fornication
__Diabetes                    __Manipulation             __Intimidation          __Incest
__Fatigue                      __Passive Aggression  __Mental torment   __Pornography
__Female problems       __Passivity                   __Oversensitivity    __Prostitution
__Heart problems          __Possessiveness       __Paranoia             __Rape
__Lung problems           __Pride                         __Phobia                __Seduction
__Mental illness             __Witchcraft                __Superstition         __Sexual abuse
__MS                                                                  __Worry
__Migraines                                                        __Fears - any kind
__Physical abnormalcy
__Premature death
__Upper respiratory problems