December 24, 2011

Updates coming in tne New Year

We'll resume posting after New Year's.  We've made some exciting changes to our ministry and can't wait to announce them in early January.  We hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.

December 14, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 9

The following exercise of renouncement should be done with a person you trust who is saved, Spirit-filled and full of faith. DO NOT DO THIS EXERCISE ALONE! Please understand this is not a quick fix, but a step to release the devil's hold and allow healing to come.  If you need help please email me.

Generational/ancestral sins and the resulting curses
1.  I confess the sin(s) of my ancestors, parents, and myself of __________________________.

2.  I choose to forgive and release them for the sin, the curses, and the resulting consequences in my life. (Be specific).

3.  I ask you to forgive me, Lord, for this sin, for yielding to it and the resulting curses. I receive your forgiveness.

4.  On the basis of your forgiveness, Lord, I choose to forgive myself for involvement in this sin.

5.  I renounce the sin and curses of __________________________. I break this power from my life and from the life of my decendants, through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross.

6.  I receive God's freedom from this sin and from the resulting curses. I receive _________________.

December 7, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 8


Please check if common to you or your family whether past or present.

Occult Involvement and/or Cults, Religions and Societies                                                                                     __Levitation           __Water witching      __Freemasonry            __Shintoism
__Accident proneness  __Mediumship           __Hare Krishna          __Animal spirits
__Mental telepathy       __White magoc         __Hinduism                 __Ouija board
__Wicca                      __Islam                     __Palm reading            __Witchcraft
__Jehovah's Witness    __Astrology              __Past life readings      __Drinking blood
__Job's Daughters        __Black magic          __Pendulum reading    __Drinking urine
__KKK                __Occult books         __Psychic readings      __Own masonic jewelry
__Knights of Columbus  __Psychic healing   __Own occult jewelry  __Masonic
__Reincarnation            __Own pagan fetiches __Moonies                  __Crystal ball
__Satanic worship         __Joined a coven       __Mormonism            __Seances
__Dungeons and Dragons __New Age           __Eight ball                 __Sorcery
__Made a blood oath     __Paganism             __Spells                     __Seen a sacrifice
__Rainbow girls             __ESP                     __Spirit guide             __Seen demons
__Fortune telling      __Used mantras       __Scientology            __ Handwriting analysis
__Superstition               __Visited pagan temples__Shamanism             __Hexing
__Tarot cards               __Horoscopes              __Tea leaves              __Bahai
__Shriners                    __Human sacrifice        __Trance                    __Buddhism
__Knights Templar           __Hypnosis              __TM                         __Christian Science
__The Way                      __I Ching                 __Vampire                  __Druids
__Unitarianism                 __Incantations           __Voodoo                 __Eastern Star

December 2, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions Part 7


Please check if common to you or anyone in your family whether past or present.

Infirmities/Disease          Control                        Fears                    Sexual Sin
__Accidents                  __Appeasement            __Anxiety              __Adultery
__Anorexia/Bulimia       __Denial                       __Bewilderment     __Beastiality
__Arthritis                     __Domineering             __Burden               __Defilement
__Asthma                     __Enabling                    __Drread               __Exposure
__Bone/joint problems  __False Responsibility  __Harrassment      __Fantasy Lust
__Cancer                      __Jealousy                   __Heaviness           __Fornication
__Diabetes                    __Manipulation             __Intimidation          __Incest
__Fatigue                      __Passive Aggression  __Mental torment   __Pornography
__Female problems       __Passivity                   __Oversensitivity    __Prostitution
__Heart problems          __Possessiveness       __Paranoia             __Rape
__Lung problems           __Pride                         __Phobia                __Seduction
__Mental illness             __Witchcraft                __Superstition         __Sexual abuse
__MS                                                                  __Worry
__Migraines                                                        __Fears - any kind
__Physical abnormalcy
__Premature death
__Upper respiratory problems

November 28, 2011

Encouraging Words-Why We Should Give Thanks

I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
Psalm 34:1, NIV

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV

I hope all of our American friends had a great Thanksgiving enjoying a bountiful feast, lots of football, and not suffering any casualties during the ensuing shopping frenzy (don’t laugh, it happened).

Brenda and I shared the holiday meal with her family, which is still going through a challenging time after the recent passing of her mother and nephew. As you can imagine, a family experiencing the first major holiday without their matriarch dealt with a wide range of emotions.

Holidays in general can produce some of the most extreme emotions we experience at both ends of the spectrum. When things are good, when we are enjoying abundance, it is the best time to acknowledge and celebrate those blessings. It is also a time when we often miss what we don’t have the most intensely, whether it is material things or loved ones.

It is especially sweet to enjoy the security and opportunities that material wealth can provide, and Brenda and I are more blessed in that area than either of have ever been, either separately or together. While she is well along in the grieving and healing process, it was painful to see other members of her family, already in much more challenging situations than ours, still struggling mightily with the pain of loss and survivors guilt.

I believe the Lord spoke to me when I was asked to offer the blessing before our Thanksgiving meal. I gave thanks for those who were standing in that house, ready to dive into a delicious meal, and also gave thanks for those who weren’t with us, for what they meant to us and will continue to mean in our lives.

You see, giving thanks is not just a good idea. It’s not just a way of humbling ourselves by acknowledging the true source of our blessings (although I believe that is very important).

We should give thanks, first and foremost, because the Bible tells us to. I quote two verses above showing that message very clearly, but there are plenty of others.

The part of that we so often lose track of is to give thanks at ALL times.

Really? Brenda is supposed to give thanks because her mother passed away? No, but she should, and did, give thanks for the life she led, for the impact she had on her family and church, and for the knowledge that she is in heaven feeling no pain and enjoying her glorified body and fellowship with Jesus!

Is Brenda supposed to give thanks for the gaping hole her mother’s passing left in her family? No, but she can give thanks for the opportunity to draw closer to her sisters and nieces, to help them lean more on each other instead of her mother.

Is Brenda supposed to give thanks that her nephew passed away just as it appeared his life was moving it its most positive direction yet? No, but she can be thankful that this led to his daughter and two grandchildren got reconnected with his mother and now have the potential of having a relationship that was previously non-existent.

Our God is a “glass half full” God. In fact, He is always poised to fill the other half back up when some spills out, even though it may not look quite like (or anything like) what was lost. Sometimes we have to look very, very hard, but I believe there will always be something positive our lives can gain from even the worst events or circumstances.

If we have trouble seeing that in the natural, we can always ask the Holy Spirit to point it out to us.

Then we can give thanks, not just because God told us to, but because we want to.

November 24, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions Part 6


Please check if common to you or your family whether past or present.

     Anger                        Violence                    Depression                 Grief
__ Abandonment         __Abuse                       __Dejection            __Anguish
__Feuding                   __Arguing                     __Discouragment    __Despair
__Frustration               __Bickering                  __Despair               __Heartbreak
__Hatred                     __Cruelty                     __Despondency      __Loss
__Hostility                   __Cursing                     __Gloominess         __Sorrow
__Murder                     __Death                        __Hopelessness     __Weeping
__Punishment              __Destrction                 __Insomnia                 Shame
__Rage                        __Feuding                     __Misery                __Abandonment
__Resentment             __Hate                          __Oversleeping      __Anger
__Retaliation                __Mocking                   __Sadness              __Bad boy/girl
__Revenge                   __Murder                     __Self-pity               __Condemnation
__Spoiled                     __Retaliation                 __Suicide attempt    __Defilement
__Temper tantrums     __Strife                         __Suicide fantasies  __Different
__Violence                   __Torture                      __Withdrawal          __Disgrace
Unworthiness                 Failure                         Trauma              __Embarrassment
__Inadequacy              __Boom/Bust Cycle       __Abuse - any kind __Guilt
__Inferiority                  __Defeat                        __Accident              __Hatred
__Insecurity                 __Loss                           __Loss                   __Inferiority
__Self-accusation        __Performance              __Imprisoned          __Self-accusation
__Self-condemnation   __Pressure to succeed  __Rape                  __Self-hate
__Self-hate                  __Striving                       __Torture               __Self-pity
__Self-punishment                                             __Violence

Encouraging Music-Thank You" by Brianna Haynes

November 16, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 5


Please check any that apply to you or anyone in your family whether past or present.

      Unbelief                      Addictions                 Escape                 Rebellion
__Apprehension             __Cocaine                  __Daydreaming    __Contempt
__Double mind              __Downers/uppers     __Fantasy             __Deception
__Doubt                         __Marijuana               __Forgetfulness     __Defiance
__Fear of being wrong   __OTC drugs            __Hopelessness    __Disobedience
__Mistrust                      __Prescription drugs  __Isolation            __Independence
__Rationalism                __Street drugs           __Laziness           __Insubordination
__Skepticism                 __Alcohol                   __Passivity            __Resistance
__Suspicion                  __Caffeine                  __Procrastination  __Self-will
__Uncertainty               __Cigarettes               __Over sleeping    __Self-sufficiency
   Mocking                  __Computers              __Trance               __Stubbornness
__Blaspheming             __Food                      __Withdrawal         __Undermining
__Cursing                    Gambling                      Pride                       Bitterness
__Laughing                 __Internet                   __Arrogance            __Accusation
__Profanity                 __Pornography           __Conceit                __Blaming
__Ridicule                  __Overspending         __Controlling            __Complaining
__Sarcasm                 __Sex                        __Egotistical             __Condemnatino
__Scorn                      __Sports                    __Haughtiness         __Criticalness
Unmotivated              __Television              __Prejudice              __Gossip
__Irresponsibility         __Video Games         __Self-centeredness __Judging
__Laziness                                                    __Self-importance    __Murmuring
__Procrastination                                          __Vanity                    __Ridicule
__Undisciplined                                                                              __Slander

November 14, 2011

Encouraging Words-The Blessing of an Uncluttered Mind

At that time the disciples came toJesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”  He called a little child to him, and placedthe child among them.  And hesaid: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, youwill never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position ofthis child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  And whoever welcomes one such child in my namewelcomes me. 
Matthew 18:1-5 (NIV)

Brenda and Irecently had the opportunity to attend her great niece’s fifth birthday party,where we were blessed by the fact that the adults clearly outnumbered thefive-year olds.  While I was observingthe somewhat contained chaos that ensued from a safe distance, I was stuck bythe pure enjoyment the kids were having just running around and screaming andbatting balloons. 

These childrenweren’t worrying about going in to work the next day.  They weren’t preoccupied with family problemsor watching their 401(k) tanking.  Theydidn’t even care about the results of the football games that were inprogress.  All they were thinking aboutwas running around and screaming and batting balloons.  Did I mention the screaming?

How great wouldit be to be blessed with such an uncluttered mind?  I’ll bet that sounds pretty appealing. 

I think that isthe core of the text from Matthew 26, where the Lord tells us we should becomelike little children.  When is the lasttime we approached Him with an uncluttered mind?

It’s hard, Iknow, and I’m as guilty as anyone.  Myjob gives me responsibility for overseeing a team of 17 people, and it is rarethat I’m not thinking about something one of them did or needs to do or thatthey will be impacted by.  I try to be agood husband, so I’m thinking about Brenda and things that affect her welfare alot.  When I “relax,” I’m often thinkingabout my Ravens, Terps, and why my fantasy football quarterbacks are justkilling my team.

I have a hardtime clearing my mind when I come to the Lord, approaching Him like a smallchild (if only I had the same trouble acting childish).  God is quite the gentleman; he generally won’tshout at us.  More often, He is thatsmall, soft voice that can easily get drowned out by all of the noise in ourlives. 

It’s our loss,but it disappoints Him also.  God hasgone to a lot of trouble to build a relationship with us.  After all, that’s one of the overarchingthemes of the Bible, from Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to Jesus’ultimate sacrifice for us. 

I don’t think ourLord spends time being angry with us.  Ido think, however, that he misses us. You know how frustrating it is when you’re talking with someone whoreally isn’t paying attention?  Kind ofhurts your feelings, doesn’t it?  SinceGod made us in His image, isn’t it reasonable to think that when we come to himbut aren’t really focused that it hurts His feelings?  I think it does.

Now while I doubtthe Lord wants us to approach Him with the attention span of a five-year old(although a lot of us already do), He does look for an uncluttered mind, onethat is receiving Him and only Him.  Howcan we do that?  Here are a couple of wordsI will focus on and encourage you to consider—priority and trust.

The urgency oflife realistically prevents us from consciously making God our priority every wakingminute, but I think it is critical that we intentionally set some time asideevery day to do just that.  All rightGod, I’m turning off the TV, turning off my computer, turning off my phone, andtuning in to you.  Pray out loud, readscripture, or just meditate on Him and listen to what He has to say, but let’smake sure to have some quality time with the Lord.

How can we turneverything off, something might happen we need to know about.  How can I turn off all the noise in my mind,I have so much I need to be thinking about. Trust Him.  Trust that the worldwill not figuratively come to an end while you’re not paying attention.  Trust in the Lord that He has something tobless you with when you spend time with Him. Trust that He will show you a way to get things done, even when you’reoverwhelmed, after you take time out for Him.

God won’t shoutthrough the noise in our lives, but he will richly bless the quiet, unclutteredmind.  We just need to bring it to Him.

November 9, 2011

Healing for Damaged Emotions part 4


Please check if common to you or your family whether past or present.
Abandonment            Performance             Finances                          Deception
__Abdication              __Competition            __Bankruptcy                   __Cheating
__Blocked intimacy    __Envy                       __Cheating                       __Stealing
__Desertion                __Jealousy                 __Covetousness                __Confusion
__Divorce                   __People pleasing       __Debt                             __Denial
__Isolation                  __Perfectionism          __Deception                      __Fraudulence
__Loneliness               __Possessiveness     __Delinquency                  __Infidelity
__Neglect                   __Rivalry                    __Dishonesty                     __Lying
__Rejection                __Striving                    __Failure                           __Secretiveness
__Separation              __Workaholism           __Greed                           __Self-deception
__Self-pity                    Religion                   __Idolatry of possessions  __Treachery
__Victimization           __Anti-christ                __Irresponsible spending   __Treason
   Rejection               __Betrayal                   __Job failures                    __Trickery
__Expected rejection __Denominationalism __Job losses                 __Untrustworthiness
__Perceived rejection  __Division                   __Lack                           Mental
__Self rejection           __Hypocrisy                __Neglect                      __Craziness
   Anxiety                   __Injustice                   __Poverty                      __Compulsion
__Burden                    __Legalism                  __Robbery                     __Confusion
__False Responsibiliy  __New Age practices  __Not tithing                  __Distraction
__Fatigue                    __Religiosity                __Stealing                      __Hallucinations
__Heaviness                __Excessive rules      __Stinginess                  __Hysteria
__Nervousness            __Spiritual pride                                               __Insanity
__Restlessness          __Traditionalism                                                __Paranoia
__Weariness                __Unforgiveness                                               __Schizophrenia

Encouraging Music-"Lift Me Up" by The Afters

November 3, 2011

Healing For Damaged Emotions Part 3-Generational/Ancestral Sins and Resulting Curses

Generational/ancestral sins and resulting curses

Frequently occurring Generational/Ancestral sins
Abandonment, neglect
Abuse – all kinds
Addictions – all kinds
Anger, rage, violence
Control, possessiveness, manipulation
Emotional dependency
Fears – all kinds
Low self-esteem, inferiority, unworthiness
Money Extremes – greed or lack
Occult practices
Parental inversion
Physical infirmities
Pride, rebellion
Rejection, insecurity
Toxic religion
Unbelief, negativity

Family Patterns - Please check if common to your immediate or extended family.
____Lack of communication between spouses or parents and children
____Lack of intimacy in marriage, other
____Broken marriages, divorce
____Children favored or idolized, favoritism
____Children not valued or neglected
____Children taking care of parents (parental inversion)
____Sibling rivalry, fights and feuds
____Success/failure cycles
____Family secrets
____Broken promises
____Unfulfilled lives and destinies

Soul/Spirit Hurts
Situations that can cause hurt
Abuse – all kinds
Chronic illness
Loss of a loved one
Loss of a job
Loss of a home

Some consequences of hurts
Hurting others
Ungodly beliefs
Defense mechanisms
Wearing masks, hiding
Restricted growth
Anger and disappointment toward God
Blocked emotions
Ongoing vulnerability and hopelessness
Possible demonic oppression

Ungodly Beliefs
Ungodly beliefs about ourselves – check all that apply
Rejection, not belonging
____I don’t belong. I will always be left out; on the outside.
____No one cares about my feelings. My feelings don’t count.
____No one will ever really love me just for myself.
____There will never be a special person for me. I will always be lonely.
____The best way to avoid more hurt and rejection is to isolate myself.
Unworthiness, guilt and shame
____I’m not worthy to receive anything from God.
____I’m the problem. When something is wrong it’s always my fault.
____I’m a bad person. If you really knew me you would reject me.
____I have messed up so badly that I have missed God’s best for me.
Doing to achieve self-worth, value, and recognition
____I will never get credit for what I do.
____My value is in what I do. I’m valuable because I do good for others.
____Even when I do or give my best it’s not good enough.
____I can avoid conflict by being passive and doing nothing.
____God doesn’t care if I have a “secret life” as long as I appear good.
Control (to avoid being hurt)
____I have to plan every day of my life. I can’t relax.
____The perfect life is one in which no conflict is allowed, so there is peace.
 ____I am unattractive. God short-changed me.
____I am doomed to have certain physical disabilities. It’s just my lot.
____It’s impossible to lose weight or gain weight. I’m just stuck.
____I’ll never be attractive enough.
Personality traits
____I will always be __________ (angry, shy, jealous, insecure, fearful, etc.).
____If I had been a boy/girl, then I would have been loved and valued more.
____I will never be known and appreciated for my real self.
____I will never be what God wants me to be.
Ungodly beliefs about others – check all that apply
____I must guard what I say, since anything I say may be used against me.
____I have to guard and hide my emotions and feelings so no one has the satisfaction of knowing they hurt me.
____The best way to respond if someone offends me is to punish them by withdrawing and/or cutting them off.
____I’ll make sure that ______ hurts as much as I do!
____Authority figures will humiliate me and violate me.
____People just use me and abuse me.
____My value is based on what people think of me.
____I have no will or choice of my own.
____I’m out there all alone. If I’m in trouble or need help, no one will rescue me.
Defective in Relationships
____I will never be able to fully give or receive love. I don’t know what love is.
____If I let anyone get close to me again I may get my heart broken, and I just can’t risk that.
____I must strive hard to please you because if I don’t you won’t accept me.
____God loves others more than me.
____God only values me for what I do.
____No matter how hard I try it’s never good enough to please God.
____I have to stay busy about God’s work or He will not be pleased with me.
____God has let me down before and will do it again. I can’t trust God.
____God helps others, but doesn’t help me.

Demonic Oppression
Behavioral indicators of demonic oppression
Incapacity for normal living
Extreme bondage to sin
Deception about normal personality
Abnormal emotions
Breakdown of relationships
Tragic events and accident proneness
Financial insufficiency
Inner anguish
Personality changes
Self-inflicted injuries
Sexual extremes

The next 5 blog posts are check lists of possible open doors through which the devil may have gained access into our lives to cause pain and confusion. Please check all that apply. There will be instructions at the end of the Open Doors series of posts.

Encouraging Music-"I Bring It To you" by The Issacs

November 1, 2011

Encouraging Words-Sowing Seeds

“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.  As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.  Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain.  Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”  Mark 4:3-8 (NIV)

I had the opportunity to attend my 35-year high school reunion with Brenda this weekend.  As I anticipated the event, I suspected it would wind up setting the tone for an Encouraging Word.  I was right, but not quite in the way I expected.

I made friends in high school, but I wasn’t in the cool crowd.  My fiend Robin once said about us, “We weren’t the nerds, but we could feel their pain.”  My corollary to that was “we were nerds who went to the games and occasionally dated.”  As a result, when I attend my 10th and 15th year reunions, I stuck very closely to friends who also fit that description and didn’t mingle a lot for fear of rejection (or re-rejection).

I’ve grown a lot over the years and went into the 35th with a different approach.  I’ve learned how to “work a room” and wanted to reach out to as many of my former classmates as possible.  Having already connected with some of them on Facebook made that approach much easier, even though I hadn’t seen most of them since graduation—we have lived roughly 2/3 of our lives since then!  I was also immensely more comfortable in my own skin that I’ve ever been, and having my beautiful wife at my side and a good answer to “so, what are you doing these days?” definitely helped that.

Even with all of that going in, I was stunned by how the evening played out. 

People who I didn’t think would remember me not only did but seemed genuinely excited to see me!  Even more significant to me, I was asked to lead everyone in a blessing before the meal!  If that’s what I’m known for, then more of the seeds I’ve been sowing the last few years have borne fruit than I ever imagined!

This was a powerful lesson for me, and was further reinforced during the evening as people complimented me for the prayer. 

People pay more attention to us than we think.  We are sowing seeds into other people’s lives every single day. 

That hug and word of encouragement we might quickly give someone could stick with them a long time—it could be just the right word at the time they needed it the most.

If we talk the talk of faith but don’t walk it out in our everyday lives, people see that and remember it.  The words we say in faith have to have a foundation built upon how we live—people can sniff out a hypocrite at a thousand paces.

Conversely, when we endure loss, hardship, or other stressors, people are observing how we do so.  If we do it in a positive way where we are holding on firmly to God’s word and the Holy Spirit, more people than we imagine are seeing that. 

A wonderful example of this is my friend Karen, who has dealt with loss of hearing for most of her life.  She recently received an ear implant that has given her 90% hearing in one ear, and by her own admission you couldn’t shut her up at the reunion!  She was so joyful with this miracle and happily telling everyone her story of faith and praising the Lord for making it happen and thanking those who have been holding her up in prayer.

I’m sure I wasn’t the only one paying attention.  Maybe someone’s life was changed last night by hearing her story.  We many never know, but that’s not part of the deal.  God tells us in Mark 4 that we are to sow the seeds.  The harvest is up to Him.

I encourage you to be mindful of the seeds you are sowing into the lives of your loved ones, church family, co-workers, or even the person serving you at McDonalds (yes, that one’s especially for me).  Even if you don’t have moments of affirmation like I did this weekend, those seeds can still grow and make an impact in someone’s life.  That’s something ALL spirit-filled believers can do.

Encouraging Music-"Strong Enough" by Matthew West

October 24, 2011

Encouraging Words-The Important Stuff Lasts Forever

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Corinthians 4:16-18

I missed sending out an Encouraging Word last week due to the passing of my mother-in-law.  She was laid to rest in her hometown of Lynchburg, VA last Thursday amidst an outpouring of love from family and friends.  These events tend to get one thinking, and I’ve spent a lot of time doing that the last few days.

Like most of you, I’ve experienced several seasons of significant change in my life, seldom of my choosing and usually accompanied with pain and a great sense of loss.  I’ve lost both parents, a wife, and now two mothers-in-law, milestones which became before-and-after marker points in my life.  Like anyone else, I’ve also gone through career changes, relationship changes, moving, and coped with changes around me.

Whether it’s as simple as a favorite restaurant closing or a television show you have faithfully watched for years coming to an end, a friend moving away or a friendship ending in a dispute, a layoff from your job or moving to your dream house, change, even desirable ones, is often unsettling.

So why does God, the one who promises us comfort and peace, allow our lives to get shuffled, confusing, and painful?  Why does He allow us to lose things in our life that bring comfort and pleasure and require us to adjust to new situations?  Why does he allow loved ones, people we count on as reliable anchors of love and support, to die?

These questions weren’t as difficult with losing Brenda’s mom as they can sometimes be—she was 88 years old and had become frail and weak.  When she suffered a major stroke last week, it wasn’t hard to see the end coming quickly.  As I listened to dozens of people talk about how Mary Evelyn Smith had touched their lives, it was clear that, despite her advance age, her passing would leave significant holes in the lives of many friends and family members.  How could they cope with this sudden separation?

By remembering, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, that everything in the flesh is temporary.  Everything and everyone around us will cease to exist in the natural at some point.  Everything and everyone.  If I stopped there, I’d have to rename this note “Discouraging Words.”  Fortunately, though, we are promised that this temporary existence, this season, will be overshadowed by the glory that awaits our eternal souls in heaven.  When Brenda’s mom reached heaven’s gates, she felt no pain, no weakness, and could bask in the glory of our creator!  She could be reunited with her husband, who preceded her by 25 years, and a large contingent of her family.

We all have a homecoming like that to look forward to.  Sometimes, perhaps often, it is hard to count on much on this earth but we can count on what waits for us when our spirits cross over.

The tone of Mary Evelyn’s funeral service was very evangelistic.  She wanted nothing more than for all four of her daughters and all of her family and friends to know Jesus and meet her up in heaven when the time came.  The preacher gave that message, and Brenda added to it in words that her mother could have written for her.  I’m not sure if there is a better goal we can have in our lives than to help everyone we love to know Jesus, and Brenda’s mom was, in a way, still doing that beyond the grave.

Are there people we love, that are a major or even minor part of our lives, who may not know the Lord?  Do you know people who you’re not sure you would meet in heaven?  I bet you do.  Have you thought of how you can help them make the connection?  Are you living a life that makes someone want what you have, that makes The Way look like a path they would want to follow?  Do you ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to opportunities to share what Jesus has meant to you and what He has done in your life? 

Are you waiting until it’s “convenient?” James write in James 4:14 “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

Our souls are promised eternity if we have accepted Jesus as our savior, but our earthly bodies are not promised tomorrow.  I encourage you to make each day count.  Live in a way that causes the glory of the Lord to reflect from you and light the path for others to walk with Him.

Encouraging Music-"Beautiful Ending" by BarlowGirl

October 11, 2011

Encouraging Words-The Power of Moving Forward

Luke 9:62:  But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”  (ESV)

When a plane rolls down the runway for takeoff, it doesn’t do so with its nose pointing to the rear does it?  If you know of one that does, please share so I can avoid that airline.

A football team doesn’t line up backwards because the goal is to move forward.  Perhaps someone should share that with the Cowboys’ coaching staff (sorry my Dallas friends, I couldn’t resist).

These things I’ve stated are painfully obvious because the gain, the success, the POWER, is ours when we move forward, not backwards.

So why are so many of us stuck looking back at or even living in our past while the rest of the world moves forward without us?

There are counselors and therapists, who make a lot of money trying to help people answer that question, so I obviously won’t accomplish that in a brief essay, but I’ll offer an important point to think about—Jesus spent his ministry laying the foundation for what was to come, not dwelling on what had already passed.

The bible doesn’t tell us how Jesus sat around the campfire complaining about how Adam and Eve screwed up, or sharing how ticked off God must have been when the Israelites made a golden calf idol while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments.

Jesus spent His time looking ahead, trying to prepare his disciples for what was to come, even if they were too dense to comprehend it right away.  He came to show a better way, to provide a path to salvation for mankind, but many missed it.  They were too tied to their tradition, too connected to their past, to receive the Good News.

One of the worst answers I can get when I ask a question at work is “But we’ve always done it this way.”  What opportunities are we missing because our focus is behind us?  We’re trying to run plays lined up backwards and then wondering why they don’t work.

As I write this, tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of the passing of my beloved wife Bette, the lowest point of my life until the Lord lead me through that darkness into the light of the new, amazing future He had planned for me.  From the time I dropped to me knees and made myself available for Him to mold, the Lord wasted little time presenting me one opportunity after another.  The best of all, of course, was meeting and falling in love with my amazing wife Brenda.  If I had been stuck in the past I had with Bette, it is extremely unlikely that Brenda and I would have ever met and I would have missed the cornerstone of so much God had lined up for me.

Brothers and sisters, I pray that you take Luke 9:62 to heart.  No matter how you’ve been hurt, abused, disrespected, disappointed, or disillusioned, Jesus can show you a better way.  He’ll do all the work inside of you, but the one thing you have to do is make yourself available.  Perhaps the turning point in my life was that night in late October, 2004 when I was so broken, so vulnerable, I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to show my why I was still here and what He had planned for me.

I was right where He wanted me.  Not the sad and hurting part, but the part where I was yielding my life to Him.  I had never had such a strong feeling of despair, not knowing where to turn or what to do.  I knew of nowhere else to go other than right into His arms.  Despite all of my neglect over the years, He was waiting to hold me and comfort me like the loving Father He is.  I had been trying to fly the plane backwards, but He showed me how to turn it around and my life is soaring as a result.

He wants to do the same for you.

I encourage you to let Him.

We had a wonderful time at the Healing Rain Conference last weekend.  Brenda and I appreciate the hospitality from Raging Fire Ministries, and the powerful singing, dancing, and preaching that touched us both deeply. 

We’ll be participating in our first Northern Virginia Fellowship meeting this Sunday at 11 AM.  If you are interested in joining us, please drop me a note and I’ll get you directions.

I hope you’ve been encouraged by this note.  If so, please pass it on to someone who needs an encouraging word.  Also, please let me know if anyone would like to be added to this e-mail distribution.

Healing For Damaged Emotions Part 2-4 Contributing Areas of Emotional Pain

Four Contributing areas of emotional pain – these can overlap and are interrelated.

Generational/ancestral sins and resulting curses
Ungodly beliefs
Soul/Spirit hurts
Demonic oppression

1. Generational/Ancestral sins and resulting curses represents the accumulation of all sins committed by our ancestors. It is the heart tendency (iniquity) that we inherit from our ancestors to rebel (be disobedient) against God’s ways. It is the propensity to sin, particularly in ways that represent perversion and twisted character. The accumulation continues until God’s conditions for repentance are met (Ex. 20:1-17).

Curses are words spoken with some form of spiritual authority (either good or evil) that sets in motion something that will go on generation after generation. The spiritual authority represented is either God or Satan. You can even curse yourself. (Jam. 3:8-10)

2. Ungodly beliefs are all beliefs, decisions, attitudes, agreements, judgments, expectations, vows, or oaths that DO NOT agree with God, God’s word, or God’s nature or character. You need to know what God’s Word says about who you are in Christ to be able to recognize an ungodly belief.

3. Soul/Spirit hurts are hurts on the “inside” of a person. They are wounds to the inner core of who a person is. The presence of this type of hurt can be revealed by unhealed emotions, behaviors and thoughts. Hurts can affect the entire person – spirit, soul, mind, body, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, etc.

4. Demonic oppression is the term used to represent “pressure” exerted by demons to get us to sin, or to keep us bound in limitations. Usually they have an open doorway to gain access to us. Open doorways come from ancestral sins/generational curses, ungodly beliefs, soul/spirit hurts, our own sin, as well as from witchcraft directed toward us. Demonic oppression can result when any one of the main areas are left unresolved.

The next blog post on Healing for Damaged Emotions will go into more detail of the characteristics of each of the four areas of emotional pain. This is done in the form of a checklist which can be very revealing.

Encouraging Music-"I Want to Know You" by Sonicflood

October 4, 2011

Intriducing a New Series-"Healing For Damaged Emotions"

Each of us can benefit from more healing in our emotions.  We have all experienced circumstances that have wounded us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Consequentially, we may be stuck on a merry-go-round of woundedness.  Healing for Damaged Emotions will help stop the merry-go-round, although it is not a quick fix.  Healing comes in stages and in layers.  Each time we go through the program we get healing on a deeper level. The original program was called Restoring the Foundations and was originated by Chester and Betsy Kilstra. The Healing for Damaged Emotions program contained in this blog has been adapted for our unique community’s needs.

This program was created to be administered one on one or in a team or group setting.  It is REQUIRED that when you get to the end of the program and are ready for the deliverance exercises, that you work with another person. DO NOT DO THE DELIVERANCE EXERCISES BY YOURSELF!  Get someone who is saved, filled with the Spirit, and full of faith to assist you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.  Also, if your church or fellowship would be interested in having a Healing for Damaged Emotions Workshop just get in touch with me.  Be free, be healed!  Blessings, Brenda Johnson

Ever since God threw the devil and his cohorts out of heaven because of their rebellion against Jesus, (Isa. 14:12-15) there has been a great controversy over the eternal destination of the human soul.  Fortunately for Believers, Jesus has purchased the redemption of our souls by His death and resurrection (Eph. 1:7, I Pet. 1:3), and He has sealed us with the Holy Spirit for safe keeping until He returns to take us to heaven (Eph. 1:13).  That takes care of later. What about now?
Jesus has given us His Word, His authority, and His power to help us overcome the lies and deception of the devil.  We have the power and authority to shut, lock, and board up permanently any door that may have been knowingly or unknowingly opened to the devil’s oppression.  The key is finding out what those doors are and how to close them.

Healing for Damaged Emotions is based on the premise that the authority given to us through belief in the finished work of the Cross, when used appropriately, is more than enough to cancel any oppression the devil can throw our way. We can and WILL be set free (II Cor. 10:4, Eph. 6:12-18).
Just going through the exercises and speaking the words is not enough if you are not saved and Spirit-filled.  Even the devil knows if you are just going through the motions.

In order for the exercises in the Healing for Damaged Emotions program to work there are a couple of prerequisites that must be met.

1.      Any participant MUST have received Jesus as Savior and Lord.

2.      Any participant MUST have received the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

3.      Forgiveness (Matt. 6:14, 15)

Forgiveness is a decision to release the offending person or situation from the responsibility of restitution.  When we forgive we choose to set them free. We don’t hold the resentment, we don’t hold the bitterness, we let go of our plans for retaliation. We let go of the feeling that they owe us something. Forgiveness is only the first step toward healing. It is a process and it is not determined by our emotions. Forgiveness does not mean that we excuse the wrong that was done.  Forgiveness is letting go of the need for restitution. Forgiveness puts the consequences into God’s hands and out of ours.  The longer we hold on to the need for retaliation or restitution, the longer we will hold on to the emotional damage.
The next blog post will address the four main areas that can cause emotional pain.

Encouraging Music-"We Will Glorify" by Twila Paris

October 3, 2011

Encouraging Words-Know Your Limits

Then he said to me, "This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies."--Zechariah 4:6 (NLT)
If you take time to peruse the site (one of my favorite things to do), you can easily find a plethora of books claiming they can show you how to live a life with no limits.  This philosophy, sometime well-intentioned, other times just a ruse, claims to lay out the path so a person can do or accomplish anything they set their mind to.  If we follow the steps they have laid out, you and I can have the job, wealth, house, body, and spouse of our dreams because the only limits we face are those we place upon ourselves with doubt and lack of self-discipline.

Then there’s the other approach, put forth by Clint Eastwood’s “Dirty Harry” in the movie Magnum Force, where he finds out his boss has never fired his gun.  Harry made the snide remark, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”
You would think in an e-mail titled “Encouraging Words” I’d be a proponent of the “no limits” approach.  Instead, I believe in the gospel according to Dirty Harry—a man (or woman) DOES need to know their limitations.
If you don’t, they you won’t realize when the Lord is stepping in.  If you think you truly have no limits, why would you ever reach out to God?  Why does God allow us to feel overwhelmed?  I have no doubt it is so we can come to him and say HELP!

You see, our Lord does not want us to be self-sufficient.  Most of us were taught that value growing up and our society reinforces that, showing dependence on anyone or anything else as a major sign of weakness.  As a result, many people think Christians are weak when we drop to our knees and ask God for help, strength, peace, resolution of problems, etc.  If we were really strong, society tells us, we’d just hunker down and work harder.
Our Lord certainly values hard work, but he wants that work to bring glory to Him, not simply glory to us.  While I generally have a good awareness of that, it is easy for me and anyone else to get so caught up in the daily grind that we lose track of it.  I have 17 people working on my staff with a lot of different, unrelated, responsibilities.  That can make for some very interesting days on the job for me, and often does, but when several different situations require urgent attention at the same time, it does get overwhelming. 

I was at that point again last week when, on the way to my car, I heard the Lord’s voice clearly tell me, “It’s not about what you can do, it’s about what I can do.”  His loving words reminded me that it’s okay to feel like I can’t do it all.  I do have limits, and when those are exceeded is when He really shines through in our life!  The scripture above is often used in terms of a battle, but if the struggle with my own limitations isn’t a battle then I’ve never been in one.
Think about this-does Superman swoop down every time a cat is stuck in a tree?  No, we don’t need him for that.  If Lex Luthor is trying to start World War III, that is a job for Superman.  Although we can certainly see the Lord is the small, simple things in our lives, His specialty is bearing the burdens and accomplishing the things we can’t handle without Him.  When we narrowly avoid an accident or when a miraculous financial blessing comes through, we benefit but He is glorified! 
As Christians we often talk about wanting to bring glory to God.  One of the best ways to do that is, like Dirty Harry said, know our limitations.  Understand where we stop and God picks up.  We have limits, but His blessings are limitless.

Encouraging Music-"In the Middle of Me" by Todd Agnew

September 27, 2011

Encouraging Words-Who Are You?

Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" (NIV)
Hebrews 13:5: He loves us so much that, He will never leave us or forsake us. (NIV)

Who are you?

No, I’m not asking it like an inquisitive six-year old or screaming it at you with obscenities like the Who song in the 70’s.  it’s a question I’m asking because it’s one we ask ourselves many times over the course of our lives.  I believe there are three sources we use to answer this question.  Two of them often mislead us, the other never does but we often forget to ask.
The first source is other people.  This starts from our earliest memories, a parent’s warm embrace tells us we are worth loving, while not being chosen for the basketball team shows us we don’t measure up.

I’m 52 years old and I still have tapes playing in my head of events that happened to me growing up that can still stir some deep emotion.  They are mixed, times I was praised by teachers in school and loved by my mother, but also scorned by schoolmates because, well, I was kind of a dork, and berated by my mother.
As I’ve grown older, the stakes have only gotten higher.  I’ve received performance awards and pink slips at work.  I’ve been blissfully happy in marriage and been divorced.  I’ve been distanced from what’s left of my family yet felt deep love and acceptance from my ministry family. 

The one thing that is consistent throughout is the inconsistency of people.  The best example that comes to mind from my life was the gushing praise I received from the Treasurer where I worked, only to have him turn around and get me fired a few months later.  Oh yes, that was at a church where I was a member—try and wrap your arms around THAT mixed message.  If we gauge our value as a person from what others think of us, we’ll only succeed in twisting ourselves up into an emotional knot and waste a lot of energy trying to untie it throughout our lives.

The second source is ourselves.  One of the lessons I learned from my mother was how to be really, really hard on myself.  This charming trait has made it very difficult for me to really enjoy the satisfaction of doing something well (“you could have tried harder Junior”) or to relax and enjoy doing nothing at all (“why are you wasting time when there’s work to be done?”).
Unfortunately, I know other people who have the opposite problem.  They have accepted as fact that they don’t have any special skills or gifts and just plod along in life.  They settle for mediocre jobs, mediocre relationships, and mediocre if any faith because they just don’t think they deserve or can attain anything better.

For those of you my age or older, you have probably heard the quote from the old “Pogo” cartoon strip where he said “We have met the enemy, and it is us.”  He meant “ours.” But that twisted cliché can carry so much truth in our lives.  We can set up filters so think around our brains and hearts that anything positive and encouraging someone says or event that happens to us can be negative.  Big bonus at work-“Look at all those taxes they take out.”  Interest from someone you would like to date-“Boy, they must be desperate to give me a second look.” 

Okay, now to the encouraging part.  The best source of answering the question “Who are you?” comes from our Lord and Savior.  You are a child of the Most High God!  So maybe you came from a poor or dysfunctional family (didn’t we all?).  Maybe you didn’t get high SAT scores and couldn’t hit a baseball sitting on a tee.  That is all secondary to the fact that you are a child of God! 

You are not an accident.  You are not worthless.  You are not unloved.  Many of us have heard some or all of those words from people who deeply hurt us, but in the grand scheme of things those words are lies!  Our heavenly father created us and has a plan to prosper us and give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  Our Lord, who cannot lie, tells us throughout His word, from Genesis to Revelation, how much He loves us and what value we have in His eyes.  In light of this, does it really matter if our knucklehead boss doesn’t like us if our Lord loves us?  The correct answer is no.
So at the end of the day, who do we believe?  Do we take our parents’ word for it despite the emotional scars they accumulated before we ever came on the scene?  Do we accept the verdict of our schoolmates who are struggling with their own self-esteem issues?  Do we buy the verdict of our employers who may be pursuing their own agenda at our expense?  Or do we accept the word of the one person who loves us perfectly, unconditionally, and eternally?  Personally, I’ll go with the latter choice and encourage you to remember to do the same.

That’s the hard part, isn’t it?  We can sooooo easily get caught up in the constant flurry of activity in our lives that we just get swept away and lose focus on the only person NOT demanding anything from us.  Isn’t that ironic, as I find so many things are about God.  The one who could demand everything from us doesn’t.  He waits patiently with open arms for us to seek Him out.

It’s in those arms that we can truly find out who we are and be who our creator intended for us be.  Let’s make time to spend there this week.