November 3, 2011

Healing For Damaged Emotions Part 3-Generational/Ancestral Sins and Resulting Curses

Generational/ancestral sins and resulting curses

Frequently occurring Generational/Ancestral sins
Abandonment, neglect
Abuse – all kinds
Addictions – all kinds
Anger, rage, violence
Control, possessiveness, manipulation
Emotional dependency
Fears – all kinds
Low self-esteem, inferiority, unworthiness
Money Extremes – greed or lack
Occult practices
Parental inversion
Physical infirmities
Pride, rebellion
Rejection, insecurity
Toxic religion
Unbelief, negativity

Family Patterns - Please check if common to your immediate or extended family.
____Lack of communication between spouses or parents and children
____Lack of intimacy in marriage, other
____Broken marriages, divorce
____Children favored or idolized, favoritism
____Children not valued or neglected
____Children taking care of parents (parental inversion)
____Sibling rivalry, fights and feuds
____Success/failure cycles
____Family secrets
____Broken promises
____Unfulfilled lives and destinies

Soul/Spirit Hurts
Situations that can cause hurt
Abuse – all kinds
Chronic illness
Loss of a loved one
Loss of a job
Loss of a home

Some consequences of hurts
Hurting others
Ungodly beliefs
Defense mechanisms
Wearing masks, hiding
Restricted growth
Anger and disappointment toward God
Blocked emotions
Ongoing vulnerability and hopelessness
Possible demonic oppression

Ungodly Beliefs
Ungodly beliefs about ourselves – check all that apply
Rejection, not belonging
____I don’t belong. I will always be left out; on the outside.
____No one cares about my feelings. My feelings don’t count.
____No one will ever really love me just for myself.
____There will never be a special person for me. I will always be lonely.
____The best way to avoid more hurt and rejection is to isolate myself.
Unworthiness, guilt and shame
____I’m not worthy to receive anything from God.
____I’m the problem. When something is wrong it’s always my fault.
____I’m a bad person. If you really knew me you would reject me.
____I have messed up so badly that I have missed God’s best for me.
Doing to achieve self-worth, value, and recognition
____I will never get credit for what I do.
____My value is in what I do. I’m valuable because I do good for others.
____Even when I do or give my best it’s not good enough.
____I can avoid conflict by being passive and doing nothing.
____God doesn’t care if I have a “secret life” as long as I appear good.
Control (to avoid being hurt)
____I have to plan every day of my life. I can’t relax.
____The perfect life is one in which no conflict is allowed, so there is peace.
 ____I am unattractive. God short-changed me.
____I am doomed to have certain physical disabilities. It’s just my lot.
____It’s impossible to lose weight or gain weight. I’m just stuck.
____I’ll never be attractive enough.
Personality traits
____I will always be __________ (angry, shy, jealous, insecure, fearful, etc.).
____If I had been a boy/girl, then I would have been loved and valued more.
____I will never be known and appreciated for my real self.
____I will never be what God wants me to be.
Ungodly beliefs about others – check all that apply
____I must guard what I say, since anything I say may be used against me.
____I have to guard and hide my emotions and feelings so no one has the satisfaction of knowing they hurt me.
____The best way to respond if someone offends me is to punish them by withdrawing and/or cutting them off.
____I’ll make sure that ______ hurts as much as I do!
____Authority figures will humiliate me and violate me.
____People just use me and abuse me.
____My value is based on what people think of me.
____I have no will or choice of my own.
____I’m out there all alone. If I’m in trouble or need help, no one will rescue me.
Defective in Relationships
____I will never be able to fully give or receive love. I don’t know what love is.
____If I let anyone get close to me again I may get my heart broken, and I just can’t risk that.
____I must strive hard to please you because if I don’t you won’t accept me.
____God loves others more than me.
____God only values me for what I do.
____No matter how hard I try it’s never good enough to please God.
____I have to stay busy about God’s work or He will not be pleased with me.
____God has let me down before and will do it again. I can’t trust God.
____God helps others, but doesn’t help me.

Demonic Oppression
Behavioral indicators of demonic oppression
Incapacity for normal living
Extreme bondage to sin
Deception about normal personality
Abnormal emotions
Breakdown of relationships
Tragic events and accident proneness
Financial insufficiency
Inner anguish
Personality changes
Self-inflicted injuries
Sexual extremes

The next 5 blog posts are check lists of possible open doors through which the devil may have gained access into our lives to cause pain and confusion. Please check all that apply. There will be instructions at the end of the Open Doors series of posts.

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