Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a time of celebration and refreshment over the holidays and is ready to jump back into the tasks and opportunities of everyday living.
2012 is off to an exciting start for me and Brenda, that’s for sure. We welcomed the New Year by sharing communion at the Resolution 2012 conference at God’s Remnant Ministries in Maryville, TN. The conference was amazing, the music and dance were stirring, the words were powerful, and the fellowship was wonderful. We had the chance to reconnect with some dear ministry friends, and make some new connections with some precious servants of the Lord. A very special thanks to Pastor Pam Wright and the family at GRM for being such wonderful and loving hosts!
For me, Sunday was the highlight of the weekend. I was moved to tears (bawling, actually) when the Holy Spirit grabbed ahold of me during a prophetic dance to the song “Lord, You’re Holy.” I’m still not sure if it was a cleansing, an unbinding, or something else but whatever He did in me was amazing! I had never had an experience like that before—God absolutely rocked my world and left me with a peace and sense of purpose like none I had ever felt before.
I was primed to receive the message brought by Bishop Randy Morgan, who based his sermon on Romans 4:17. I was ready to own that principle and put it into practice. What better way to start a new year than to take inventory of what has not yet manifested in your life and call it into existence by the power of the Holy Spirit!
I can’t encourage you enough to mediate on this scripture and apply it to your life. In case you are afraid I’m just being naïve or using wishful thinking, let me remind you, as Bishop Randy did on Sunday, that earlier in Romans 4 Paul reminded readers of Abraham, who God declared would be “the father of many nations” when his wife Sarah was waaaaay beyond child-bearing years. God called into being something that was not as if it were and, as they say, the rest is history.
Won’t you join me in speaking to what is not in your life and call it into being for 2012. I am declaring that, by God’s power, Brenda will be pain free and regain full mobility and strength in her body! I am declaring that Brenda’s family will come together in peace and harmony and those who don’t know the Lord will come to do so! I am declaring that I will be a servant leader that reflects Jesus and can teach others how to do the same! I am declaring that my best friend will enter into a relationship with the Lord that will change his life! I am declaring that our ministry will grow and be a source of insight, strength, and encouragement to many people!
The Lord has already blessed me and Brenda so richly that our list may be shorter than yours. Since our God has no limits, make your list as long as you need to, then PRAY. When you’re done, speak God’s promises back to Him about your situation and keep speaking them. He is listening, and He will come through, even if sometimes He may be on a different schedule than we are. Believe it, own it, and boldly move forward into the New Year!
I am also very excited to announce that Brenda and I are now co-leaders of Encouraging Word Ministries. You can find our Internet home page at www.encouragingword.us. This is an extension of the Encouragement for Living (www.encouargementforliving.com) ministry that I’ve been doing and that will remain under this umbrella. We are adding two new parts, Encouragement for Leading, and Healing for Damaged Emotions.
Encouragement for Leading will be a section where I will share what I have learned and put into practice regarding the concept of Servant Leadership. You may have heard of the primary example of this practice-Jesus Christ. We believe this applies to everyone because leadership is about influence, and we all have the opportunity to influence someone in our lives. Like Encouragement for Living, this will also have a blog that can be found at www.encouragementforleading.blogspot.com or linked from our homepage. I’ll also be starting a weekly “Leading Words” e-mail soon, which you can of course opt out of if you choose.
Brenda is leading the Healing for Damaged Emotions (www.healingfordamagedemotions.blogspot.com) part of our ministry. This is an inner healing ministry that can be presented in a group workshop setting as well as a private, individual ministry. We are available to travel to your church or conference, or have you come to our home for private ministry (with referral by a ministry leader). Brenda is also available to give you a personal prophetic word, simply e-mail your request to info@encouragingword.us.
We are in the process of setting up a 501(c)3 organization, and are honored to have Jenny Hart, Robbie Ousley, and Doug Sewell serving on our Board of Directors. We are also honored to serve under the spiritual covering of Bishop Randy Morgan.
If it sounds like we’ll be busy, well, the Lord has told us it’s time to get busy with His work, so we’re just following directions.
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