January 20, 2011

PM Encouraging Words-"True to His Word"

From The Active Word

The LORD has sworn in truth to David…"I will set upon your throne the fruit of your body." Psalms 132:11 (NKJV)

When God makes a promise, He keeps it. It doesn't matter how improbable, how incredible, or how incomprehensible it may seem…when He gives His word on something, He's true to it without fail.

Case in point, here in Psalm 132:11, a promise the Lord made to David is referenced. The promise God made was that the "fruit" of David's body (his descendants), would always sit upon the throne (2 Samuel 7:12-13).

Stop and consider that for a moment. From a human standpoint, it seems improbable, incredible, and even incomprehensible. How does a descendant become a king forever? At the most, a man might rule and reign for a few decades. But forever? No way!

That is, unless that king is more than a mere mortal. And He was, because we know this promise was fulfilled by Jesus, who was both the Son of David and the Son of God. His kingship went beyond the bounds of Israel and is extended over the entire universe. And not only that, but He overcame the grave, and death has no hold on Him, making Him an Eternal King!

The point is that God keeps His word even when we can't understand how He's going to keep it. He's the Creator, and as such He's creative enough to fulfill the promises that we can't comprehend. We're not called to understand how He is going to do it but only that He is doing to do it. Period!

God kept an improbable, incredible, incomprehensible promise to David…and He will do the same for us because He is always true to His word.

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