January 6, 2011

Encouraging Words-"The Beauty of God"

From Our Daily Journey:

The One sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled His throne like a rainbow.
Revelation 4:3 (NLT)

Novelist D. H. Lawrence believed the human soul needed beauty more than bread, and for good reason. There is a reason why we bring flowers to the depressed, take the weary on scenic drives, and choose the restaurant table with the view of the lake. Beauty refreshes, encourages, and inspires us. The reason can be found in its source. As we gaze on that setting sun, that mountain peak, or that orchid leaf, we glimpse something bigger—a reflection of its beautiful Creator.

While no one has seen the invisible God in His fullness (Exodus 33:20; 1 Timothy 1:17), God has chosen to be known. Intriguingly, whenever He has revealed Himself, He has done so using beautiful forms:

• Moses and his tribal leaders climb a mountain. There they see a Being standing on a pavement of lapis lazuli (sapphire), as clear as crystal, as blue as the sky (Exodus 24:9-11).

• Ezekiel has a vision. He sees a throne like lapis lazuli on which a majestic Being is seated as a man, His body the brilliance of a flame, His radiant light emanating into a myriad of colors across the sky (Ezekiel 1:26-28).

• John receives a revelation. He sees a Being with an appearance like the most brilliant of gems—the crystalline white and orange of jasper, the fiery red of carnelian, and rays of emerald green encircling His throne like a rainbow (Revelation 4:1-6).

At the center of our universe sits a beautiful Creator. The earth is full of His glory (Isaiah 6:3) and heaven will be a place where His beauty will radiate at full intensity (Revelation 21:9-21).

One day we will see the invisible God face to face (22:4). In the meantime, His reflection can be traced in the natural beauty around us.

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