I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalm 32:8 (NIV) from Bible Gateway
If you put a boat in the water and didn't have a course charted or had a map to follow, you would have no idea where to steer the boat. Sometimes our lives feel like that, don't they. We don't feel like we are steering our lives and have a particular direction we are heading. We can feel like a boat in rough weather, getting blown about by the wind or being smacked around by high waves. That's why this verse is so important to remember. We're never out there on our own, the Lord is always keeping his loving eye on us. He's not waiting to catch us doing something wrong, He's there waiting to point us in the right direction, to share some wisdom with us, or just simply to love us. Like a nurturing parent or a caring friend, He's not there to make us feel small and inadequate. He's there to lift us up so we can stand tall and face whatever the world throws at us.
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