December 24, 2010

Encouraging Scripture-God is about peace, not confusion

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33 (ESV) from Bible Gateway

Joyce Meyer has done some great teachings on the concept of peace from God.  She keeps it simple--ifyou are conflicted about something, you haven't heard from God yet.  If you have peace, then that it quite likely where God wants you to be.  As Paul writes, our Lord wants us to be grounded, centered, focused on Him and how to walk out His blessings in our lives and bring those blessings to other.  He does not want us confused, stressed, anxious, uncertain--that's where Satan want us.  When we're confused, he can get to us and take us off the path God has for us into directions that will not benefit ourselves or others.  To know God is to know peace--not the absence of conflict but a security, a certainty, a calmness that goes far beyond our emotions into our very souls.  That's not something we can come up with on our own--it is a gift from God.  Let's remember that and walk in it!

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