November 2, 2010

Encouraging Scripture-Your words have power

Whoever coined the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" just didn't get it.  It's a lot easier to heal after a physical beating than it is an emotional one.  I can still remember hurtful words from my childhood, and their memory still hurts today!  We can inflict a lot of damage with our big mouths, to ourselves (if you call yourself a loser often enough, you soon will be one!) and others.  We can also build ourselves and others up.  Jesus set the example of encouraging those who were downtrodden while religous leaders put them down.  We can do likewise and make a huge difference in someone's life, starting with our own.

Words can bring death or life! Talk too much, and you will eat everything you say.
Proverbs 18:21 (CEV) from Bible Gateway

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